Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Vacation is Over...

My apologizes that it has been so long since my last entry.  Mom and I took a real vacation, and goofed off for our winter vacation.  Yesterday I started back to dog school.  I have both my Rally Obedience class and Beginning Agility class in the morning, so I hope I can pay better attention and not get so tired during class. 

I will begin this story by sharing with you what I did while I stayed in Florida.  When mom told me that we were going to Gramma and Granddads house I got very confused.  Once we got out of the car and got settled in, I realized that the whole family was there.  Gramma, Granddad, my Uncle Orion, Aunt Hannah, and Aunt Girl (the 3 cats) were all hanging out at this new Gramma and Granddad's place.  It was Christmas time.  For Christmas, mom and I usually hang out and play and open presents.  This year, I had time to open presents, nap and play with my 2-legged cousins, Jason, Megan and Nicole.  I also got to see my 2-legged Aunt Jamie and Uncle Tim.  As you can tell from some of the pictures I did a great job of getting some presents with my name on them open.   So glad mom has me in Rally obedience so that I have learned how to read some things to know which packages are mine.

After any good physical effort, it's always good to take a rest.  It was quite warm in Florida.  Mom said that one day the temperature was like 80 degrees.  I liked the fact that Gramma and Granddads floor was made of a cool tile.  It really helped to keep me cool with all this fur.

My mom and I had our own room.  I was a cool nephew and would let my uncle orion hang out on my bed with me for some rest time.  I, of course, would help him wash his face.  We had loads of fun exploring Gramma and Granddads new place.

Mom, or Gramma, would take me on a walk around the neighborhood a couple times a day.  Mom got this great photo of me in front of an aloe plant.  She tried to convince me I wanted to go exploring the beach and ocean some more, but I could hear it from where this photo was taken and convinced her it was not a good idea.

I loved when my cousin Jason would come over.  We have some great games that just he and I play.  He really gets me.  I think it's because we are so close in age.  He's only a year older than me, so we both play like 5-year old boys. 

Jason even had to stop from time to time to do something more low key than running and playing and chasing a ball.  I had fun watching Jason play slingshot cowboy on mom's iPad. I tried to tell him how to get the iPad to my blog, but Jason said his game was more fun at that moment.  Jason really wants a dog of his own, but I was happy to keep him company and play with him while I was in Florida.

Before I knew it, mom said it was time for an airplane ride to get back to my house in Oklahoma.  Mom bought me, what she kept calling my airplane suitcase, I had no idea what she was talking about.  She would have me go in it from time to time and I thought it was a game.  Then on December 29th, I was in my airplane suitcase on top of mom's suitcase.  Needless to say, I was a little unsure as to what was going on, but I made the most of it and tried to take in all the sights and smells.  First, we arrived at the airport  Mom said she had to check her suitcase so that she didn't have to carry it and me onto the airplane.  I was a little relieved that I wasn't getting "checked" as well, since I didn't really know what that meant.

 I hung out on the counter while mom talked to the clerk about my papers and that I would be flying with her.  The clerk of course told me how cute I was, and that I looked so adorable in my airplane suitcase.

Once mom and I went through security, she got to take me out of the airplane suitcase and carry me through this funny looking metal contraption, we hung out in a waiting area.  There weren't many people around, so mom let me pop my head out of the airplane suitcase.  As you can tell, I was liking the adventure.  We had many adults and kids come up to us and want to pet me, and have my mom tell them all about me.  I was a star.  Everyone seemed to ask whether I would bark on the plane or not.  Not sure why they would ask that, what would I need to bark at?  I guess I would find out once I got on the airplane.  Then before I knew it, mom said time to get on the airplane.

 I know the angle of this picture is a little weird, but you should have had my view point of what it was like to be under an airplane seat.  Mom got me an airplane suitcase that fit just right under the seat.  The silver portion at the top of the screen is the barrier between the aisle and the seats.  It was cozy enough.  Mom says I slept most of the airplane ride.  The pilot came on just as we were about to take off and said that they were going to make us wait 15-minutes before we could take off.  It was the one and only time I barked on the plane.  It made all the people around me laugh.  I'm always good for some entertainment.

 Once the plane landed, mom said that we were in Atlanta and had a couple of hours to wait before we went on another and the last plane ride to Tulsa.  Mom got out a pee pad for me in the airport and we tried to tuck away in a back corner so I could have some privacy.  As many of you read my blog regularly know, I love people and people watching, so I didn't need to do my business if you know what I mean, but it did feel good to stretch my legs for a little bit.  Mom had gotten herself a cheeseburger and shared it with me.  So after stretching my legs and getting some food and water, I was ready for a the next trip.

 We went down to where we would get on our plane, and mom let me hang my head out again.  I did just to let her know that I was too sleepy to be social, so I laid down in my open suitcase and tried to rest and take a nap.

Before I knew it, we were on the plane and on our way home.  There wasn't anyone sitting next to mom on this airplane ride so once we got to a safe height  mom put my airplane suitcase in the seat next to her.  I didn't really stick my head out too much, I was content resting and taking it easy.  I was glad to get back to my house, but really had a fun adventure.

The spring session of dog school has started.  Mom has me taking 2 classes again. I really want to overcome my fear about the teeter totter and try to stay focused on mom during my Rally classes.  Mom is saying that I may get to go to a competition in agility in March, but it depends if I can overcome the teeter totter or not.