Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring break and my latest trial

Hey everyone!

Well I was on spring break from my school for a couple of weeks, and mon said I should just take it easy. So I kind of did. Well I totally did from my typical school work, but I helped out mom with a few projects around the house.

In the pictures below you can see that I helped mom really overhaul her closet in the bedroom. It was pretty much useless space before I convinced her to do a complete demolition job on it and start over. I did get to go on a trip or two to Lowe's to help pick up a few essential pieces needed for the make over. I think with my supervision, mom did an excellent job on the closet.

I also got to go on a couple of house calls with mom and she took my condo. Mom told me that there is a little boy who is a little nervous about dogs. Well I sent him one of my fabulous Christmas cards and mom said that he always wanted to talk about me when she saw him. So since I was on spring break and my mom was on spring break we decided to pay him a visit. Mom told me that she took my condo so that I wouldn't get too excited for him. It worked out great. He even petted me a couple of times. I tried hard not to lick him, but I love kids and I love to lick people!!! Mom said I did a really good job, and would maybe get to go visit him again sometime.

On spring break, I also took some time to visit my Gramma and Granddad. They have a great setup in their living room. I can sit on either one of their laps and can watch tv and see outside their window all at the same time! Mom says I am gonna get to spend the weekend at their house next weekend when she goes to Austin for some running thing.

School started back for me this last Tuesday. I am again taking an Advanced Rally class and now I am in Novice Agility. In class on Tuesday, I was a little rusty on how the whole rally thing worked. I didn't really pay as close of attention to my mom as I should have. I am sure you all understand, all of us dogs were chit chatting about what we did over spring break and what was happening and about the agility trial that was the weekend before and the obedience trial that was coming up this weekend.

I didn't compete in the agility trial at Bridle Creek, but my mom took me there on Sunday. I got officially measured by one of the judges. I am now documented with AKC (American Kennel Club) as being 11 3/4 inches tall. Mom was pretty close she had guessed that I was 11 1/2 inches. All that means is that I have to jump poles that are set at 12". The really cool part about getting measured, is that the judge who measured me is from Lawrence, Kansas. Rock Chalk! And it was final four weekend! He noticed my name tag and commented that Jayhawks are cool! He sure does know his stuff!

Anyway...back to school. Mom says that during school this session our focus is on me really paying close attention to my mom and not trying to do my own thing while in the ring. She said this is going to be true for both my Advanced Rally and Novice Agility classes! B-O-R-I-N-G!

Well that's what I initially thought anyway, until this past Friday! Mom took me to compete in and Advanced Rally trial. There were two trials on the same day and I competed in both of them. In Advanced Rally you have to receive a score of 70 or better to get a qualifying score. Once you get 3 qualifying scores by at least 2 different judges then you earn a RA (Rally Advanced) Title. Which would mean another diploma hanging on the walls of my room! seems I was somewhat distracted during both trials but especially during the first. Mom took a picture of my scores for the trial as well as the other dogs. I did get a qualifying score in both trials, but my performance was less than stellar. Mom might be right about the whole needing to work on my focus in the ring thing.

Today is Easter! The Easter Bunny visited my house. I got some new toys and treats, and even a new short leash for agility class! Mom and I got an awesome new fountain for my garden just outside the window of the living room. I helped mom assemble it and get it up and running!

I hope everyone has had a great start to spring! Mom said that she things I am going to compete in an agility trial over memorial day weekend. I am a little nervous about not keeping my cool in the ring, but if I work on focusing to mom it should all work out just fine!

Until next time, keep your paws cool!
