There were so many dogs there...I was a bit overwhelmed.
I was so excited that my best dog friend Thor was there with his family! Mom finally got a good picture of us together. I know he always has my back... and I would have his if the other dog was small enough.
Once it got close to time for Thor and I to go strut our stuff mom walked me all around the Expo. I was trying to get used to the different flooring and people everywhere,and so many dogs barking. It was a little over-stimulating, but then mom started doing school stuff with me and I started to focus and get relaxed. It was awesome, it turned out I had my own cheering section at the event.
My Gramma was there, hiding on the bleachers in a print shirt along with Uncle Pat and Aunt Terrie...even Thor and his parents were cheering me on. Then it was Thor's turn in the ring. Mom took some pictures and video of Thor doing his thing. He rocked it out!! He even got 3rd place. I'm so proud of my buddy Thor!!!
My mom even got a video of him doing his recall exercise!
Then a few other dogs went and then it was almost my turn. Mom gave her phone to Uncle Pat to hold while we took our test. He got some good video of me in action. Mom is gonna try to post it for you all to see how great I did!!
Click HERE to see the Boca and I during our individual portion of the trial today!
After I kicked butt in the ring, it was time to line up for our sit/stay and down/stay test. Mom forgot to give me my treats when we left the ring. I was a little thrown off and discombobulated. We got in line and went back in the ring. I was right next to some funny looking tape on the floor. I didn't feel very comfortable. Mom told me to sit and then she said stay and started to walk away. I walked right away with her. This meant that I was automatically disqualified. Once all of the other dogs did their sit/stay mom was handed my leash and we left the ring. I was really worried my mom was gonna be upset with me, but she said I did really well for my first time at a dog trial. According to my mom I get to do it again tomorrow...hope i can do well on my ring stuff again with mom and remember to do both of my stays. Mom says that I only lost 17 out of the 140 points possible for the ring stuff...and if I had done my sit/stay and down/stay I would have gotten a qualifying score (above 170 out of 200) and would have placed 3rd for my group. I want a ribbon to hang up in my room, so I am gonna try harder tomorrow to stay focused!!
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