I have been working for bones a lot lately. If I do really good at dog school then I get to come home and have a yummy rib bone.

Once I chow down on that, then it's time for a good night's rest.

Things are well in dog land. My mom went to Chicago for a bit and I got to play at Gramma and Granddads. We had loads of fun. My Aunt Hannah (a cat) and I had fun playing and playing and playing...we are both learning how to share our toys.
My mom found out that my show next weekend will be on a dirt service. I guess she made arrangements with her friend Pat, who works at the building that my show is so that I could try out my skills on dirt. It was so much fun!! You get to get dirty paws and there are so many smells...so much fun to go play in the dirt!!!

I did all of my skills on the dirt. Even my sit/stay and down/stay. Mom snapped the above picture during my down stay. The dirt was nice and cool on my tummy. Mom says I'm ready to go...sure..bring it on. Once we practiced heeling on and off leash and recalls and figure 8's and stays mom said it was time to go. She even let me get in the car with my dirty paws.

Gramma would say I'm in country dog mode...I love it!! I will make sure to let everyone know how I do during the Obedience Trial next weekend!!!
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