First things says that there are some people out there (TZ) who don't think I am responsible for my own blog. So I had mom snap this photo of me before I began uploading the pictures for this blog entry. Mom directs the Internet to my blog page and then I do all the dictating for what she types. I make sure to keep a close eye on the whole process..
I apologize in advance for the length of this entry. I tried to get my mom to do it as a couple of entries, but she said there wasn't time. So today you are going to get a recap of my adventures from the past 10 days...and boy was there a lot of adventure and excitement.

I have to start by saying that I got my first qualifying score in Novice A Obedience at the Tulsa Round Up Dog Trail on Sunday May 29! I was so excited and so was my mom!! We rocked it out. Our judge even got around using an electric scooter. My mom thought it would make me freak out and panic, but my day 3 of the trial I was used to how it all worked! I even got 3rd place for my group on that day.

I was dog number 16 so you can see my scores and the official ranking of me in 3rd place. Isn't that awesome!! My buddy Thor was with me in this session and he rocked it out too taking 1st place!!! During the stay portion of the test, Thor kept looking over at me reminding me not to wiggle a muscle. There was a lot going on in the agility ring and whatever was on the other side of that curtain but I just stayed focus on Thor and we both made it through with flying colors!!!

Here I am with my 2 ribbons!! I decided to put on a studious look since I was now in the running to get an obedience title. To get to write my name as Boca II, CD I will have to get 2 more qualifying scores. A qualifying score is a score of 170 or above, with a perfect score being 200!
I did so awesome my mom bought me this great new blanket at the show. Little did I know that I would become very attached to this blanket over the next week! As son as my group ended on Monday, it was off for a big long road trip! Mom said we were going to Florida and that I was going to get to meet my cousins and human aunt and uncle.

We hopped in the car, I got to sit on mom's lap for the first day of the road trip because Gramma drove. The funny thing is we didn't take mom's car or Gramma's car...we were in a different car. I didn't really pay too much attention, I was pretty tired out from my 4 days at the dog show. Then on Monday, it was a really long day in the car. I rode some in my car seat and some on Gramma's lap, mom did most of the driving. Once we got to this place called Florida I was a pretty wiped out dog. I know I met my cousins, Nicole, Megan and Jason and my Aunt Jamie and Uncle Tim the night we got there, but I was so tired I didn't really get to play with them much. We got keys to Gramma's Florida house from Uncle Tim and went to where I would call home for the next 3-4 days. The following morning, mom got up and took me out in Gramma's back yard. The grass in Florida looks and smells so different than at home. I sniffed around everywhere. Then I got this weird kind of bark stuck in my tail. Mom told me it was palm tree bark. I asked what was a palm tree and she told me it was a type of tree that could be found in tropical places. So I told her to take a picture since I didn't know when I would see palm tree bark again.

Later that evening my cousin Megan and cousin Jason came over to Gramma's house to play. We had so much fun!! Mom didn't take any pictures because we were all too busy playing. My cousin Megan loved to pet me and talk to me. My cousin Jason loved the game of fetch. My friend Thor had given me two tiny tennis balls, and mom put them in my condo. Jason would throw one of the balls I would go touch it with my nose and then he would throw the second one. I would carry the second one around while Jason fetched the first one. We did this for about an hour mom said. I was so ready for bed, and slept pretty well in the new house. The first night I was in Florida there were two huge popping sounds in the middle of the night. Mom told me that those were from the space shuttle breaking back through the Earths' atmosphere, they were called sonic booms. It was cool. The next day mom and gramma went out and I napped most of the day. It was nice to just rest for a little bit. Then that evening we went over to Uncle Tim and Aunt Jamie's house.

They had this big bathtub outside. I don't really like the little bathtub inside, so I kept my distance. I didn't need to take a bath in front of everyone. The 2-legged people got in and that's their choice. I explored the yard some, but it smelled the same as Gramma's back yard so I just hung out with mom. There should be a video somewhere in this entry that shows how crazy my cousin Jason is...when Uncle Tim dove in the bathtub, cousin Jason followed getting Gramma all wet too. It was fun to watch.

The next morning, mom said I needed to see the beach and ocean since I was in Florida. The beach was awesome. It was like practicing in the dirt again only fluffier. I liked the beach part! Then I ran into some brown said it was called smelled weird. Then it was time for the ocean. Mom put me in a sit stay and took this cool picture of me sitting on the beach of the ocean. Truth be told, this is as close to the water I wanted to be. Mom made me get my paws wet, and then I was ready to go.

I helped Gramma arrange the furniture in her Florida house and had my own nice little cozy area. I broke in the carpet, and mom got me some steps so I could hop up on the couch easily.

I took part of playing games in the designated hang out room. I liked to hang out in the hang out room while mom was showering or getting dressed too. I learned how to play Apples to Apples. I was on a team with mom and cousin Jason and Megan were on a team, but Gramma had to play by herself. My cousins won...they were really good at the game!

So I talked them into playing a different game. Cousin Jason and Megan set the board up and I studied it.

Of course, some say dogs can't see colors, but I was willing to give it a shot. I don't remember who won this game, but it wasn't me...I had fun playing though!

Then it was time to chill out and cool down. I love the tile floor at Gramma's when I don't have to run on it. It is great to cool down a dog's tummy. Then mom and Gramma started packing the car. Since they unloaded most of the stuff they had in the car, I got to set up my condo in the car. Wasn't the inside of my condo awesome!

Then we hit the road back to Oklahoma. We rode in the car for a really long time one day. I decided that I would rest on the way home so that I didn't get so tired. See how comfy I got!

Once we made it back to Oklahoma I had one day to rest up before my Novice II test at Tulsa Dog Training Club. Mom was nervous that I would be too tired to do well on my test, but I did great. I passed my class with flying colors and got a score of 183. Mom signed me up for two new classes at school She says I get a week off and then I am going to start a Rally class and an Agility class. I'm sure I'll have more great stories to share!

I had to go to the vet this week to get my annual checkup. I am not fond of the vet, but who is. They said everything is great with me and I am a happy/healthy dog!! Woohoo.