Well, as you read in my last post, my mom promised to make me a dog walk so I could practice some of my agility class work at home. She went to Lowe's and bought the supplies to make me a dog walk! I helped mom do some yard work around the house this morning, and then it was time for the construction to begin...My mom was feeling pretty confident she could get the dog walk made. First she laid out all the boards and counted the hinges.

I of course walked all around and inspected the materials. They seemed okay to me. I was a little worried about how slippery the boards might be, but mom said she had some ideas so that I wouldn't slip.

Then she assembled the hinges. It connected all three of the boards she bought and made them bendable so that the height off the floor could be changed. My friend Uncle Pat brought over a couple of cinder blocks to start me off on conquering the ramps...

Then before my very own eyes, I had a mini-dogwalk in my room at home!! My mom did good work!!

She even put some wood pieces on the ramp parts so that I wouldn't slip. Then mom decided to try it out. Since Uncle Pat was around my mom had him take some video of me trying it out. After the practice...my mom and I were both a little worn out. Check out the videos below!!!
Attempt Number 1Attempt Number 2
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