Then it was time for agility! I practiced and practiced on the dog walk mom made for me at home and it really paid off!! Lots of 2-leggeds have been asking how long the dog walk is. I don't really know (I'm a dog and it seems really long to me), so I had mom take a video of Mr. Jerry and his dog Jack going over it. When it was my turn, I aced it! The teacher even said that I looked so confident and sure this week! It was awesome.
Then we moved on to the A-frame. It wasn't all the way flat on the floor today. It was up one level. Mom took a picture of it before it got lowered down. I had no problems or worries on the A-Frame.
We also started on "weaving" during this class. I think this is going to take some getting used to. I don't like when things are touching me or poking out on me. We ran through it a couple of times and's just gonna take me a little while to get used to weave poles I think.
Then it was time to get ready for my Obedience Trial I was competing in at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. I hadn't ever been to Oklahoma City and and I have been slacking a little on practicing my Novice A Obedience skills. So Mom went and ran with her friends on Thursday evening and then came home and we "crammed" for my trial on Friday. Mom said my group was scheduled to go at 10:45. Mom and I got up on Friday morning, went for a walk, packed up my school stuff and hopped in the car. The Cox Convention Center was very very quiet...kinda like my school. I didn't feel nervous or anxious or anything. I was calm, cool and collected. Mom and I had about an hour from when we arrived to when my group went. I was the first to go in my group. Mom and I practiced a little bit, but not overly much. I enjoyed getting the treats. The best part about Obedience Trials has to be the treats! I did well on my individual portion of the trial...then it was time for the sit/stay and down/stay. I was so cool, mom didn't even look nervous that I wasn't gonna stay. I stayed and got my second qualifying score. It was a score of 183.5. All you need is 170 or better out of 200. I placed second in my grouping. It was a very proud moment, and loads of fun!!!
I have been telling mom we need to do some home renovations, and I think we should start with a new front door. Anyone that has been to one of my home gatherings knows that there are issues with our current front door. So, on the way home from the dog trial we stopped at Lowe's as a reward for the great day at the trial. When we walked into the store, the employee knew that I was a VID (Very Important Dog), and immediately greeted me and told me that the dog treats were on aisle 3. So I made sure mom went by there to.
I didn't see any treats that I had to have, but it never hurts to look! Then it was off to the door section of Lowes. Mom showed me a couple of the choices she had narrowed it down to. And I made the final decision. I don't like the green color, but mom said that we could get it in white. I think white will go great with my fur coloring don't you?
Then we went home and rested. Mom told me that we had to get up and do the same thing on Saturday morning. So we just hung out and took it easy. I went and shared my stories with gramma and granddad. Saturday morning we got up and did the same thing. I was a little sleepy on the way down to Oklahoma City, but was all smiles and excited to go try to get my 3rd qualifying score.
I had some fans come cheer me on today. Okay, not really fans well kinda gramma and grandddad drove down to Oklahoma City to come see me compete today. Last time they came to watch it didn't turn out so well. I didn't want to disappoint them, especially after bragging the night before about how great I did and how easy it was to compete at the Cox Center.
It was great to have Gramma and Granddad there. They were nice enough to take video of me during the individual part of the trial.
CLICK HERE to see me compete with mom. You can sneeze or cough or something during the off-leash heeling part...I got a little distracted by something on the floor. C' that hasn't happened to you? I made an amazing recovery though and got right back focused.
Then it was time for the stays...Granddad took some video, but the 3 minutes feels like forever, so I'm having mom put just a very short clip of my down/stay HERE. In case you want to see how cool and cute I looked. I wound up with a 3rd place finish, and my 3rd qualifying score!!!
The judge said that this was one of her best groups of Novice A dogs she had judged in a long long time. The other dogs in my group were amazing. I was so excited to get this qualifying score! I got to show off in front of my gramma and granddad. I was the only dog in my group to be earning my "Companion Dog" title through this qualifying score. This particular trial was addition to our ribbons, the winners got new toys!!!
I got a pink bird kinda thing, but I love it because I earned it! I was so excited and my mom was so excited. It was a great day! A good trial. I was exhausted, but mom and I went through the vendors and I picked up a couple of cool magnets that I convinced mom to buy and put on the back of our car!!
So, as you can read I have been very busy during the past week. I will receive a certificate of title saying that I'm recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as a "Companion Dog". That means that any time I registered for a trial or anytime at all my "official name" is Boca II, CD. It's like getting a bachelor degree for dogs! Pretty cool huh? I will keep you all posted on my rally and agility classes and how they are going. For the rest of the holiday weekend though, I plan on taking it very easy!
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