Wow!! My new classes are fun and challenging. I had a lot of fun in my Rally class. It was like solving a puzzle. Mom has to learn how to read the signs better! She kept going left when it would say right. It's the first class though so I wasn't upset with mom. We did lot of turn things today. The teacher said next week they would be introducing cones. I asked mom what that meant and she didn't know so we'll just have to wait until next week to find out! Then it was off to agility.
I was surprised to be at school for so long. I mean my mom has been telling me that I'll be taking 2 classes back-to-back, but tonight I really learned what that means. There are some familiar faces in my agility class. Tyson, who is a german shepard is in my class with his mom. Tyson was in my Novice I class with me. Mr. Jerry and his boxer Jack are in my class. Dovie and her dog are in my class, and Nancy and her dog Mocha are in my class. So it was nice that there were some familiar people. Neither my mom or I knew either of the teachers for my agility class. My teachers are Ms. Jonnie and Ms. Tracey .
The first thing that I got to do was walk through a ladder that was laid on the floor. I was a little nervous at first, but mom showed me part of a pupperoni and I just trotted through the ladder. Even Ms. Jonnie was impressed. Mom and I did that a couple of times, and by the third and last time I had my little prance going and was feeling confident. Then it was time to Jump!! We did 3 jumps in a row. I would always try to skip one just to see if mom was paying attention. Then it was time to try the dog walk...I was terrified of it!! I didn't even want to put my paws anywhere on it. Mom lifted me up and put me on it and I jumped off. The teacher told mom to give me some extra treats...I didn't care at treats at that point..i just didn't want to be on the dog walk! Mom then put me on the top of it and i scurried to the end. Mom said we will have to work on it. Then it was on the the A-frame...the A-frame was flat on the floor and it was no biggie. Then came the tunnels!! I love tunnels. Mom has been preparing me for tunnels though by making tubes with the sheets and I crawl through them!! I went through the tunnels before the teacher could even explain it!!

On the ride home, mom said she was gonna try to build me a dogwalk for the back yard so I can practice and get over my fear. Wow, I'm wiped out! I think this round of dog school is going to be exciting!!!
Wow, Boca. You had a lot on your plate. Sounds like you did pretty good for your first time out. My advice would be to relax and enjoy the moment. When you have time, look at how the other dogs are doing. I'll bet you'll see they are nervous too.