Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hello everyone!

It has been a pretty uneventful week for the most part.  My mom hasn't been feeling so good.  She keeps talking about allergies or something like that.  I have 2 weeks of vacation from school, so I decided to follow in my mom's paw prints and redecorate my room of the house.

I had a small event happen this week too.  My mom came home from work one day to say hi to me and make sure all was well.  Well....I freaked her out a little. I somehow cut the top of my left eye and well it was a little bloody.

Fortunately mom is friends with a veterinarian, so she snapped this picture and sent it to Dr. Suzanne.  I told mom that I was fine and it was no big deal.  She got a damp wash cloth and cleaned me all up.

And then I was good to go!!

I then convinced mom that I needed my car seat cushion repaired or remade.  It was getting in very sad shape.  So mom went to a fabric store and picked me up some new foam and some cool dog friendly fabrics.

I think that we did a great job! I can hardly wait to put it in my cool wheels and go for a ride around town.  I think the dog bones will go nicely with my seat covers!

Then came today's project of getting all of my awards rearranged in my room.  I have started all of my agility endeavors and won a bunch of ribbons and got a "degree" from UKC.  So here is what the walls of my room look like now.

 This wall has all of my family tree on it, as well as my Most Improved Dog and Handler award.

 This is my wall of Rally titles!  I have my Rally Novice and my Rally Advanced titles and ribbons.  I also have some fun pictures up.

 I have started my Agility wall.  I am proud to show off my UKC agility Degree and ribbons.

This wall as my regular obedience title "Companion Dog" and ribbons.

I have quite a bit of space in my room again now that mom has moved her office stuff out of it.  I am hoping that she'll get me new carpet in my room for my birthday in November.

Until next time...Keep those tails waggin'
