Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hey all!

I did it! I earned another diploma/title. I competed in my 2nd and 3rd trial in novice rally on Friday October 28th. Mom was nice enough to take the day off of work so that we could compete. I was excited because mom told me that the trial was going to take place at my very own do school!

During the first trial. I was all calm cool and collected before going into the ring. However, as soon as mom told me to heel I got a little excited and took off a little too fast and mom had to talk loud at the first sign so I didn't miss it. Once we got through about half of the signs I settled down. I wound up getting a score of 90. Hey, it was an improvement from the 89 I got at the trial in Fayetteville.

Well mom and I took it easy before the second trial. Then when mom was walking the course she came back and told me that the course was a little tricky and that I better pay attention to her. Mom took me outside to play and run out some of my nervous energy before it was my turn to compete. When we got back inside mom told me a bunch of dogs had "nq" (non-qualified) because they missed a sign. Now as the four-legged it's not our fault if the two-legged missed the sign. But after getting too excited during the first trial I knew I better pay close attention. Mom and I took the ring for our second trial. We both did great. I didn't think mom missed any signs am she didnt seem frustrated so I figured all was well. Our score got posted and I got a 98!!! We watched the other dogs go and what do you know? I did well enough to get 3rd place!! Also by getting my 3rd score of 70 or better I earned an "RN" (rally novice) title. It's very exciting. I had a great time!

Mom says the next title that I will go for is in novice agility! Now that I am over my fear of the teeter totter I think that title will be in my near future.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy October!!

Hello everyone!!! I am so sorry that my mom hasn't updated my blog in over a month!!! I have been harping her about it, but she's been super busy with work. I hate when my mom has to work a whole lot, but it's what let me go to dog school and get treats and all that. I have so much to share I am not real sure where to start.  It's a good thing mom has remembered to take pictures of me and some of my cool happenings. I'll just upload those pictures and tell you about them.

 The weather has finally started to turn cooler, so I am able to spend more time outside and on longer walks with mom.  I am so glad it's almost winter time.  My mom says "yuck", but I say bring it on!  Well there was a 5K event that my Big Buddy Pat was running in, and mom wasn't just down the street, so I asked mom if I could go cheer him on.  She said sure why not.  So we headed out to the Corn Dog Classic 5K.

I found a prime spot, just by the corn dog stop.  Mom said that the runners had to stop and eat a corn dog before they could continue up the hill to the finish.  So I could smell the corn dogs and see the finish line.  I was the coolest cheerleader out there!  Then once my Big Buddy Pat went by I convinced mom that I needed to show the rest of the group how to finish strong.  So we darted up the hill and crossed the finish line!

I didn't get any special recognition or anything, but I made lots of people say "oh, what a cute dog".  Then Susan Westmoreland who runs with my mom saw me, and I turned on the charm, because she was enjoying a full sized corn dog that she got for finishing. 

It worked!!  I really appreciated her sharing with me.  I felt that I earned it.  Then as we were getting ready to head home, I felt that my legs were a little sore.  Mom always jokes about ice baths to help her muscles.  There just happened to be a pile of ice, so I took advantage.

It really does work!!  I didn't slow down or anything due to muscle soreness! was loads of fun to go cheer on the runners!  Like I said earlier, mom has been pretty busy with work stuff.  So much so that she is working some on Saturdays and Sundays.  I asked if I could go with her a couple of weekends ago, and she said yes!

I like to hang out at mom's work.  She has a big window in her office and lots of people walk or ride by because it's right next to a dorm.

And when I'm there, I know I motivate and encourage mom to get her work done.  I think I look pretty good hanging out on a desk.

A couple of weekends ago, mom took me to Fayetteville Arkansas for my first trial in Rally obedience.  I liked riding in the car.  Mom said it took a little under 2 hours to get to the site.  It was in a barn-like atmosphere.  I was ready to rumble though after being in the car for so long.  We went in and set up my condo and checked in that I was ready to compete.

Mom and I then went out into a big yard area and ran and played and then crammed on the rally signs that were going to be on my test.  Then before we knew it was our turn to compete.  I did great.  Mom kinda got distracted on the first sign, but it was the first time for both of us, so I don't hold it against her.  I wound up with a score of 89 (if mom hadn't gotten distracted it would have been a 99).  This means that I got my first of 3 needed qualifying scores to get a Rally Diploma/Title.  I am going to be competing in 2 more trials at my dog school on Friday the 28th.  Wish me Luck!!

I am doing great in Agility!!  This past Wednesday night I went over the teeter totter at Full Height without my leash 2 times!!!  My mom has some videos of courses that I have been running while at school.  I am getting more confident with every class.  Conquering the teeter totter has been AWESOME!!!