Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm Getting Brave!!

Greetings everyone! It's time I crawl out of my hidey-hole and share with you my latest happenings. The 100+ degree temperatures over the last month have made my choices of activities slim. I have even been controlling how frequently I need to go out to take care of business if you know what I mean. I mean the grass is crunchy and hot. It's a good thing I attend dog school, I might not ever get out of the house with as hot as it's been. My coping with the heat techniques have included lounging in the shady spots at home on the wood floor, hanging out close to an air conditioning vent, and well just resting up for fall when I know I'll be ready to run around and play like crazy.

Mom, however has had other ideas. She is on a cleaning and purging frenzy. She made me go through my toys and pick out the ones I wanted to keep, the ones I was willing to part with, and some that could go into "storage" until winter she said. Cleaning is hard work! But...I do have to say that my house is starting to look quite clean and organized. I got to cat-sit my aunts and uncles a week or so ago. Mom would drive me over so I could check on Gramma and Granddads cats. I would chase them a little to make sure that they were breathing (and I have to admit I like to keep them on their toes). It was fun to ride in the car a couple days a week. I made sure the cats cleaned their bowls...oh okay I'll admit it, when they said they ate enough I cleaned the bowl for them, so my mom would think they were really hungry and leave them some fresh food when we left.

I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seat wondering how Dog School has been going. I am really getting the hang of Rally. Mom says that I can enter a competition in October in novice Rally. I have 3 more classes left for this session. I am really hoping that mom and I can rock it out on the Rally test.'s going okay. I definitely have my favorite obstacles: I love tunnels and I love the A-frame. I'm pretty good at the jumps now. The weave poles, well I am good at them when I do them towards the beginning of class. I have been having troubles with the teeter-totter. I mean really, I'm a small dog and it's a big board...and it drops down and makes noises. Mom has been giving me pep talks about it every week, about how it's fun and everyone will think I'm awesome if I can do something as intense as the teeter totter. Each week, I've been trying to overcome my fear and anxiety about the teeter totter. My mom has been great in supporting me. Although I think it's funny because the agility teacher keeps telling my mom to have a better attitude about the teeter totter. Not that I like to get my mom in trouble, but I do laugh a little on the inside. Well....this past Wednesday, I did it!!! I went across the teeter-totter, while on my leash, at the lowest level with my mom standing upright! I did exactly as my mom has coached me...I walked bravely on, got just past the midway point and laid down while the teeter totter flopped over and then walked calmly off. The whole class cheered. I was feeling pretty smug. Then the teacher raised the height. Did you know that the further things are up, the quicker they fall down? Well, I wasn't quite ready for that so I scampered off, more than walked off calmly, but my mom made me go over it again and I did, making sure my mom stayed close to me. It was a HUGE day at school!!! I was so proud of myself, and the teacher was so proud of me and my mom!!

then to make class even better!! The A-frame got raised to it's full height...I didn't hesitate. It's awesome to be so tall, even if just for a brief second!

I rocked out Dog school on Wednesday. Mom and I were on cloud 9 and I had a brilliant idea that we both deserved a super special treat. Mom agreed: So it was off to cool is it that mom got me my own little bowl of some vanilla frozen yogurt!!!
School Rocks!!! Test week is in 3 weeks. Mom says I'm repeating beginner agility, I'm okay with that...not ready to move on to new stuff yet. Need to feel more comfortable with the current stuff. I hope to kick butt on my Rally test though! I appreciate all the encouragement from my 2-legged friends.

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