Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Finally an update....

 Hi Everyone!
I know it's been over 6 months since I have had a blog update.  My mom has been so super busy. I have been bugging and bugging her to get a blog entry in, but there has been no time.  Finally, today is the day.  She says I will have to give as brief update as possible. So I have tried to pull some pictures that will help me remember the highlights of what all is new and happening in my world.  First in the picture above let me introduce you to "Little Guy", yup that's really his name...there is "Big Guy too, but he pranced too far to my left and got out of the picture.  These two felines now live with me, and I LOVE it!!! I love cats! I know, I know...dogs and cats are supposed to get along, but I ask you why on earth not?  We had to negotiate out rank and order, but we have a 4-legged system now.  Big guy and Little guy's dad also lives with me now too.  It is so fun to live in a house full of boys!!We play wrestling and chase, we cook outside lots, and we are working on fixing up my house.  So far I have gotten the 2-leggeds to cut down a dead tree, make an awesome bird bath, plant an awesome garden that attracts lots of birds that Big Guy and Little Guy can watch all day, plant grass seed in the back yard, cut down overgrown branches of the black walnut tree in the back yard that the squirrels liked to dance on and tease me, and now I have them working on painting the house to match the white in my fluffy tail.  So far they are doing a good job.

 During the Spring session of school, I retook a Novice II obedience class as a refresher.  I also have stayed active in Agility.  I haven't done any shows or competitions lately but I am hoping to compete in an UKC agility competition the first weekend in August.  During this last session of class I have become much more confident in my weaves!  Things are really starting to click for agility.

 I asked mom to pull out a great agility shot so that everyone can remember that I am on my way to becoming a well titled agility dog!  It's such hard work and I really have to focus.  It really is a great time too, and lots of fun once I get it. 

 Even though I didn't compete at the Mid Continent Classic competition over Memorial Day weekend, I went with my mom to help work and support Tulsa Dog Training Club.  They have a table there to answer questions about classes and dog training.  I have a tendency to draw a crowd.  You can see that I felt confident in my abilities to provide information about the Club and mom gave me my own chair.  I had quite a few people come by and I hope that some of them decided to bring their 4-leggeds to TDTC.

 Mom had some major problems with my convertible.  One of the tires apparently had a faulty rim that buckled while she was driving down the highway.  It caused her tire to go flat and she had to call to get the car towed back to the dealership to get fixed.  Fortunately, the cost was covered under the extended warranty but it freaked both me and my mom out as the convertible was only 14 months old with less than 15,000 miles and it should not have happened.  When mom decided to get in our old Jeep to continue on with her days...she discovered that the brakes had gone out on it.  She had to pay to get those repaired.  After a long talk, we agreed that it was time to get 1 practical car rather than 2 cars that left both of us nervous that I wouldn't make it to a dog show or to dog school, or that mom wouldn't be able to go to the store to get me dog treats.  So mom got a Jeep Patriot, it has a moon roof.  When it's a nice day, mom drives around with all the windows's close enough to a convertible for me...

 During the first three weeks of June I got a break from school.  Mom has spent her summer away from the office writing a lot on the computer (hence no blog entries from me).  So while mom was working at home, I decided to really take advantage of summer break and rest up.  So far it's been a pretty decent summer weather wise.  With all of the supervising that I have been doing of the 2-leggeds I have to rest and recover so that I can make sure that they are doing a good job.  Now summer break is over and I am back in school.  This session I am taking a brand new class called Open obedience.  My mom is trying to put this silly white dumbbell thing in my mouth. I like playing with it, but she says it's not a toy it's a job...Bluck to that I say. It is fun to learn new things.  So far I have been to two classes, it is quite hard.  Mom says it's good to keep learning...I was able to stay in a down with all the other dogs while mom left the room for 5 whole was shocked, although I don't know why.  It was past 9PM and I was tired. I was glad for the break.  I am also still enrolled in agility.  You can see from the picture below, even though it's blurry, we are all working and learning new things.  I have picked up right where I left off doing great with listening to mom and tackling those weave poles with confidence.

I hope to try to get back to updating my blog more regularly.  My mom is just really busy with trying to get a lot of writing done as she is up for review for her job in October.  Part of her review requires that she has to show she is "publishable".  I think my blog should help her, but she says it won't.

Until  next time, keep those tails waggin'!


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