Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 Legs in AGII

 Hi Everyone!
I've had a very exciting week and especially weekend!  My future is so bright I gotta wear shades...okay okay I'll try to get serious. But c'mon you have to love the photo of me in my new doggles. I don't know about wearing them all of the time, but they sure are a fashion statement.

I have been continuing to work hard in my classes this session, both Open Obedience and Agility.  Mom told me that I was going to get to compete in an United Kennel Club Agility competition at my school this weekend.   At first I started thinking, am I really ready to compete with 9 weave poles on the course...I started to get a little worried as you can see in my face in the photo below, but then it was time to hop in the car and go for the gold...or in my case Blue Qualifying Ribbon.

Well it turns out that Saturday morning my group was going to go first. Which means I had to get up early (6:15) and get to school by 7:15 so that mom and I could look over the map of where the obstacles were going to be placed.  I was feeling it...I am an early morning kind of dog!  Turns out small dogs were even first in the line up.  The dreaded weave poles were 4th from the end.  I liked this setup. It meant that I got to get in the groove and really go with the flow of the course.  Mom said that I ran the first course like a champ.  As I entered the weave poles you could hear a hush come over the crowd, it's like everyone was holding their breath to see if I was going to be able to get through them or not.  Well I did!  As I finished the course there was such a roar of cheers and clapping I knew I had done just awesome.  It turns out that I had received a score of 199. I didn't get a perfect score because as I was coming out of the box I cut the corner a  little and instead of coming out where the green stripes were, my feet crossed the corner, turns out that is a 1 point deduction.  No big deal, a 199 is still a huge qualifying score. I was so elated, as was my mom!  We quickly picked up my blue ribbon and of course I posed for a picture or 2!

My second run for Saturday didn't go so well with the weave poles.  I was going through them focused and mom thought they weren't going to be a problem so she decided to start going to the next obstacle well it distracted me so I missed one.  When she tried to get me to start over, I was a bit confused and just went on to the next obstacle so it wound up being a Non-Qualifier.  I then got to hang out in my condo at school while mom worked the trial for the AGIII dogs. I enjoyed watching some of their runs from my condo.  All I could think about was, why didn't I just stay focused on my weaves.  I decided that I would get them next time.

Then Sunday came.  Mom told me I was going to have a fan club come to watch.  She wasn't kidding! I had Dennis, and his mom and stepdad, and my gramma and granddad.  It was awesome.  My own group of cheerleaders.  Mom and I got to school in time to watch some of the AGIII dogs run. My group was at the end of the day today. So I had to sit around and wait. I was watching lots of dogs practice the weave poles.  Mom decided that we would go try the weave poles once or twice I went through them like a champ! I think I shocked my mom how great and smooth and confident I looked while weaving.  Just as my mom was about to go walk my course, gramma and granddad showed up. I was glad because I had someone to sit with while mom did her part of agility.  Then before I knew it was my turn to go!  Turns out both my granddad and Dennis video recorded my first run.  I got a little crazy coming off the wobble board and well the weave poles got away from brought me back and told me settle down, but when you get amped sometimes it's hard to calm down. Here is a video of my not so great run!!

The NON-QUALIFYING RUN (feel free to skip watching this one to watch the good one below)

Mom was NOT happy at all!  I didn't even get a lower level treat when we got back to our chairs. Mom told me that I didn't even make an effort on the weave poles. She told me that I must have left my thinking cap in the car.  I felt a little embarrassed that I had my own cheering squad and had made such a huge mistake on the weave poles.  Granddad then told me that I was going to be able to have a redemption run.  I've heard about these on TV and I thought alright...I can do an awesome job and everyone will be even more super stoked.  So fortunately both granddad and Dennis video recorded my second run from today and you can watch it below.  It's okay if you stop reading to watch this video a couple of times.  Don't worry it's only about 46 seconds long because I'm that fast

The QUALIFYING Run (feel free to watch rewind and watch again)

So I cam out of this weekend's trial with 2 qualifying scores for an AGII title.  I just need 1 more.  I hope mom can find another trial for me to compete in soon. I am feeling confident, pumped and ready to go!

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