Monday, December 9, 2013

Hello Everybody!!! I have Agility News to Share!!!


I can't believe it's been since August since I've been able to get my mom to do a blog entry.  You guys might want to grab some extra treats because I have a lot of sharing to do.  It's been a busy fall for my mom, and for me too!  Don't get too upset with my mom for not posting regularly, things have been a little nuts at her job (you'll see I went and visited and calmed it all down) and well we are just busy.  

I guess I'll start with some sad news first.  I've lost some of my favorite cat relatives.  My Uncle Orion passed away during his last visit to Florida.  My mom said she knew him since he was an itty bitty kitty, just like she's known me since I was practically born.  My new brother from another mother Big Guy passed away in October.  Here is a picture of he and I just chilling on the couch.  I sure do miss him, but am glad Little Guy is still around.

Then just last week my Aunt Girl Kitty Cat passed away, she was the same age as my Uncle Orion.  It is so hard to lose family members.  We are all trying to deal with it and move on.

In mid-October or so, mom and I went on what felt like a long car ride to a place called Normal for a UKC Agility Trial.  I had 2 legs of my AG-II title and just needed 1 more so mom was brave and entered me in AG-I and AG-II, because once you get your AG-II title then you can start earning points by competing in AG-I and AG-II to earn a United Agility Champion (UACH) title!  And how cool would it be to say I'm Boca a United Agility Champion!!  Well, the first day didn't go so great.  But, I have to say in my defense it didn't go so great for most of the dogs there.  This first day happened to be the day that when mom and I got home, the "big" decision had to be made about Big Guy.  I knew when I left in the morning that he wasn't feeling well and I was just worried all day and couldn't concentrate.  So on Sunday, mom and Dennis and I all drove back down to Norman and look what happened.....

That's right I earned my AG-II title!!! and I got some points on the AG-I course!  How cool is that.  So my next UKC Agility Trial will be back at my home club in mid-February.  Boy, I hope I can rack up some more ribbons and toys and have a great time. 

Then it was time for Halloween.  Mom has had some crazy costumes for me in the past, but this year I got to help pick mine out.  Mom also told me I was going to get to go to work with her that day because the students were getting a little stressed and worn out and I would be a great pick me up.  Well upon my entrance in my awesome: Dog Vader outfit....I did not let her down.  Everyone was smiling and taking pictures.  For a majority of the day I hung out on mom's desk which is my favorite spot because I can watch people walk by.  We even got an awesome class picture this time.  See how well I fit in!

Then it was time for Thanksgiving.  Mom and Dennis went to Hutchinson Kansas and I stayed with Gramma and Granddad.  We had a great time! I helped them get ready for their trip to Florida. I am excited that I will get to go to their Florida house again for Christmas this year and that Dennis and Little Guy are coming too!!!!

But the past weekend I had to put on my thinking cap.  I have been working extra hard in school on my agility skills to finally try to get a qualifying score in an AKC competition.  My two-legged Uncle Pat built and awesome dirt arena at the Super Duty arena and it was time for my competition. I worked super hard.  Mom says I had some great runs.  We have most of them recorded and the links will all be here for you to watch how great I can run.  I am just a little bummed that I didn't lift my back legs up high enough on one jump in each ring and caused a bar to fall down.  If a bar falls it's an automatic non-qualifying score.  BUT!!!! I did get 1 perfect 100 on Sunday morning in my Jumps with Weaves course.  I also ran the course so fast that I was quicker than a 20" dog. I took first place!!!!  Mom was so proud of me for the whole weekend.   Mom had to work the scoring table, and well really all over the place. I took a break to say hi to miss Mariann.  She was my very first teacher at Tulsa Dog Training Club ya know! Can you believe at one point I used to be afraid of her.  Here we are just taking a warm up break below....

Here I am getting ready to run in my first Standard Course on Friday afternoon.

 This is what you do after you worked all weekend at a dog trial...I was exhausted and a little chilly. So came home, curled up and took a nice siesta.

 Here are some video links for you to enjoy my outstanding performances:

Friday Jumps with Weaves Run

Saturday Jumps with Weaves Run

Saturday Standard Course Run (Can You guess where I spotted Dennis??)

Sunday Jumps with Weaves Run (Where I got my 100 and First Place)

Sunday Standard Course Run

With the holidays coming up, Mom, Dennis and I went and had my awesome Christmas cards made! I actually got to go shopping at JC Penney's.  It was fun to walk around the store.

We also hung Christmas lights up on the house...I had a very important role of supervising.

You can tell I am the coolest Santa around! I hope everyone has an awesome holiday season.  I'll be heading to Florida in a little under 2 weeks. Not sure I'll get in a blog entry before then, but I will try to get one in after the big road trip to let you know how it goes!
Keep your tails waggin'!

Boca Bear UAGII, RE, CD

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